New Ola Area Request Scheduled for March Zoning Board

Map showing residential projects in the vicinity of state route 81 at North Ola Road (staff map).

The zoning advisory board will consider a new Ola area request in March 2023. The 200+ acre property represents the latest new subdivision up for consideration in the immediate area. An update on this request is now available.

Two other requests are awaiting their meeting before the board of commissioners.

SR 81 north of Keys Ferry Road

Two-hundred ten acres located north of state route 81 forms the latest rezoning request in the Ola area. The property has road frontage along highway 81. It shares a rear property line with North Ola ball park.

Brent Holdings, LLC of Fayetteville, GA has applied to rezone the property from RA (residential agricultural) to R-2 (single-family subdivision). The R-2 zoning district allows minimum lot sizes of 22,000 square feet (one half-acre) when sewer service is available. The state requires lots at least 30,000 square feet when on septic tanks.

The zoning advisory board will consider the request on Thursday, March 16, starting at 6:30 pm. The board meets at the county admin building in McDonough. Additional details about the request, such as the number of lots, is not yet available.

Following the zoning board meeting, the applicant must present to the board of commissioners for a final zoning decision. Some applicants are presently waiting over a year for this to happen.

Other Nearby Requests

Two other nearby requests, RZ-21-40 and RZ-22-14, are waiting for their date at a commissioners meeting. The properties consist of 106 acres and 244 acres, respectively.

The first request, RZ-21-40, is located west of North Ola Road. The applicant is asking for residential suburban (RS) and commercial zoning. The project proposes a mixture of townhomes, quadraplexes and single-family homes. There are 295 proposed units.

Secondly, RZ-22-14 is located south of highway 81. Road access would also be via Keys Ferry. The applicant applied for R-1 zoning. This allows minimum lot sizes of 1 acre. The proposed project has 162 lots.

Finally, RZ-19-03 represented the new Publix development. In addition to the grocery store, it had plans for a new subdivision. The project calls for half-acre lots with minimum 2,400 square feet homes. There shall be no more than 104 lots on the property.

Featured image shows a map of projects in the vicinity of state route 81 and North Ola Road. Clayton Carte map.

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About Clayton 1657 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of MHF News. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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