The Henry County Parks Master Plan Survey is now available for residents to fill out. The master plan will be complete next year.
Access here to fill out the survey.
Parks Master Plan Survey
Henry County hired Perez Planning + Design of Atlanta to complete the parks master plan. The group has extensive experience in park system planning. They held a first round of open houses in September. Now, an online survey is open to gather additional feedback.
The parks master plan includes the following components:
- needs & priorities assessment,
- long-range vision, and
- implementation strategy.
The plan is presently in its needs & priorities assessment. Residents’ feedback will help guide the plan’s recommendations for needs within our county parks. Now is the time to let your voice be heard!
Be sure and take part in the survey today. Access here to fill out the survey.
The final master plan is expected in spring 2024. The county will then use its recommendations to guide investment at county parks.
Featured image shows a playground rendering. GameTime photo.
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