Henry County Schools approved its FY 2024 budget during the May board meeting. Part of the budget boosts teacher pay by $3,500.
When considered alongside last year’s increase, the district has increased teacher pay by $7,000 in two years. The state funded about half, or $4,000, of the increase.
HCS Boosts Teacher Pay
Boosting teacher pay and other salaries has been a major focus both last year and now for HCS. Two years of major increases in property values has allowed Henry County Schools to increase its investment in personnel.
For example, the 2024 budget adds $44.6 million in personnel salaries and benefits compared to the current year. The budget projects $40 million in additional property tax revenue following a 16.5% growth in the overall tax digest. The district has collected the maximum twenty mills in property taxes since about 2006.
The higher compensation includes an additional $3,500 for teachers and other certified positions, such as counselors and assistant principals. The state budget accounted for $2,000 of this increase. The district and state funded a similar raise last year. When considering the two items together, the base teacher salary will increase by $7,000 in two years for Henry County.
The FY 2024 budget also includes a $2 per hour raise for bus drivers. Parapros, elementary school clerks, campus monitors and clinic aides will receive a $1.50 per hour raise. Finally, other classified positions will see a 5% raise and administrative staff a 3% raise. This follows the 2023 budget when 77% of personnel received a raise.
FY 2024 Budget
The fiscal year 2024 budget anticipates revenues of $517 million dollars. The district’s expenditures are forecast to be $510 million. From this, 88% goes to personnel salaries and benefits.
The fiscal year begins on July 1, 2023 and continues through June 30, 2024. The school board adopted the budget on May 8 following the second budget hearing.
Featured image shows Superintendent Davis and district employees at Dutchtown High School. Clayton Carte photo.
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