Proposed Study Would Look at Bus Stop Signage and Design

Photo showing covered seating and benches at Clayton County Justice Center Transit Hub (Mass Transit Magazine photo).
Henry County is looking to study how best to serve its future bus stops. The Clayton County Justice Center Transit Hub could serve as an example offering covered seating and Breeze Card vending machines. (Mass Transit Magazine photo)

Henry County is applying for study funds to look at bus stop signage, design and access. The study would correspond to an upcoming new bus route the county is planning.
Last year, Henry County received federal funds to launch a new bus route. The county formally accepted these funds in January. The proposed route connects McDonough and Stockbridge.
Bus Stop Study
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About Clayton 1627 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of MHF News. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.