Announcing the Bid Award for US 19 / 41 Resurfacing

Photo of road maintenance (Georgia DOT photo)
(Georgia DOT photo)

Georgia DOT approved resurfacing along US Highway 19 / 41 in Henry County for 2023. The project extends from the Clayton County line to the Spalding County line.

The resurfacing work measures 5.4 miles in length. The contract completion date is January 31, 2024.

US 19 / 41 Resurfacing 2023

E.R. Snell Contractor, Inc. of Snellville, GA submitted the lowest bid of two vendors. Their bid total was $8,264,325.35. The majority of work will likely occur during the summer when weather is best for road resurfacing.

The state accepted construction bids in February 2023. They announced the contract award on Friday, March 3. US 19 / 41 in Henry County last saw resurfacing in 2011.

Other Resurfacing

In December, the state approved resurfacing work on 19 / 41 in Spalding County. That project extends between the Henry / Spalding County line and the Ingles grocery store south of Griffin. E.R. Snell Contractor likewise won that contract for $15.7 million. Work will be complete by October 2023.

Also in Spalding County, Georgia DOT approved resurfacing a portion of state route 92. The project begins at Highway 19 / 41 and extends west for two miles. The terminus point is near Westmoreland Road. C.W. Matthews Contracting Company won that bid for $1.8 million. Project completion is by January 2024.

Featured image shows road resurfacing. Georgia DOT photo.

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About Clayton 1657 Articles
Clayton Carte is the founder and owner of MHF News. He founded the site in 2017 to highlight transportation projects. Over time, he began covering other topics like new development so residents can best know what’s happening in our community.

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