With the end of the year approaching, MHF News likes to look back and recap our top ten posts of the 2022 year. The ranking is decided by you, our readers, based on which articles received the most website visits.
Top Ten Posts 2022
Beginning with numbers ten through six, here are this year’s top posts:
10. Greg Cannon resigns from Board of Commissioners
Greg Cannon resigned from the Henry County Board of Commissioners in February of this year. The Republican Party would later nominate and Henry County appoint Mr. Dee Anglyn to fill the remainder of the term. He subsequently won election in November for a full term.
9. Traffic Shift at I-75 Exit 218
In April, GDOT contractors closed the middle lane on the state route 20 bridge over I-75. This traffic shift allowed contractors to build the center sidewalk — part of road work for the diverging diamond interchange.
8. McGarity Road Subdivision
Pulte Homes received zoning approval in January for a new McGarity Road subdivision. The development began land clearing this fall. When complete, the project will have up to 128 lots on about ninety acres.
7. State Route 20 Apartments
In March, the zoning advisory board considered two proposed apartment projects off highway 20. As of the end of the year, neither project has received a final zoning hearing by the board of commissioners.
6. Henry County considers Townhome Proposals
In January, the Henry County board was scheduled to consider three different townhome proposals. The projects are off highway 81, Foster Drive and East Lake Parkway, respectively. Each project would later receive approval. Most recently, the board approved the East Lake project in November.
Featured image shows a concept rendering for Foster Drive townhomes. Moore Bass Consulting photo.
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