Henry County will be hosting two virtual town hall meetings this month. The meetings offer residents an opportunity to weigh-in on current topics. The town halls are to discuss senate bill 22 and the Henry County Transit Master Plan.
Senate Bill 22
Members of the Henry County legislative delegation will host a virtual town hall meeting on Thursday, February 18, from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. The town hall meeting will discuss senate bill 22 sponsored by State Senator Emanuel Jones.
Senate Bill 22 proposes the creation of a Henry County Board of Ethics, and changes to the board of commissioners’ powers and authorities. Check out my two-part summary of the bill here and here to learn more.
The meeting will stream live on the county’s Facebook page and YouTube channel. Anyone with questions about the bill is asked to e-mail them in advance to questions@co.henry.ga.us.
Transit Master Plan
Henry County kicked off its transit master plan in October 2020. Now, the first town hall meeting to hear from the public is on Thursday, February 25, from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm.
The transit master plan will serve as a 30-year vision for public transit services in Henry County. The county has operated a demand response transit system for decades, but the system was unable to facilitate all requests for service before COVID-19. The plan needs public input to help determine the future of public transit in Henry County.
Moving Henry Forward encourages everyone, whether you are in favor of or against the expansion of public transit, to participate. If you are unavailable on February 25, then the plan will also offer later opportunities for public feedback. Visit the project website, www.henrytransitmasterplan.com, for event details and information how to participate.
The transit master plan will be complete in fall 2021.
Credit for the featured image to MARTA (heavy rail service), Xpress (commuter bus) and Henry County (transit bus).
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