The applicant has withdrawn their application. The rezoning request will no longer be considered by Henry County.
RaceTrac Petroleum has requested a rezoning from RA (residential agriculture) to C-3 (highway commercial) for the purposes of building a new service station on the southwest corner of Jonesboro Road and Willow Lane. The request will be heard by the zoning advisory board on November 29.
The subject property is designated commercial on the 2030 future land use map. The rezoning application was received on October 2, prior to the county adopting the new map, and is grandfathered into the older version.
Staff has recommended approval for the request based on the future land use map and the property’s access along a major arterial, Jonesboro Road. Major arterials are the highest functional classification for roadways, excluding interstates, and appropriate corridors for highway commercial development.
The rezoning staff report is available to view on the county website.
The subject property is located along the highway corridor overlay ensuring quality construction standards, landscaping requirements, and construction of a multiuse path to support pedestrians and cycling. New RaceTrac stations at Jodeco Road and Patrick Henry Parkway & SR 20 / 81 and Willow Lane have been built under similar zoning requirements.
RaceTrac has requested eight variances to reduce requirements found within the overlay. Staff has recommended denial on all variance requests. The variance staff report is available to view here.
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